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发表于 2010-9-14 14:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
born from the simulation


视频: 致命蜱虫
发表于 2010-9-14 17:45 | 显示全部楼层
born from the simulation
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发表于 2010-9-14 21:07 | 显示全部楼层
Think Simulation
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发表于 2010-9-15 10:05 | 显示全部楼层
Think Simulation
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-15 11:18 | 显示全部楼层
Think Simulation
白河附近应该还很不是问题,因为很少有例子,可以找德来问问。致病率各种说法是1% - 0.01%,其中1/10转慢性。我的看法是致病性比蚊子和臭虫坏不到那里去,蜱虫比蚊子的攻击能力差远了。不好取下来是个问题。而且想起来恶心。

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-15 11:35 | 显示全部楼层
born from the simulation

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发表于 2010-9-16 12:32 | 显示全部楼层
born from the simulation
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发表于 2010-9-17 09:29 | 显示全部楼层
Think Simulation
本帖最后由 jane 于 2010-9-17 01:32 编辑

mh 发表于 2010-9-15 03:35




六月和八月出小蜱虫(seed ticks),针尖那么大,可以从有些运动袜子织物的间隙中穿过,爬到你皮肤上。所以穿袜子也没有用。我有一次跑步,误入一片草地,满是 seed ticks,  袜子上跑鞋上爬了有上百个,以最快的速度跑到停车场,回家后洗袜子洗鞋。
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-14 17:28 | 显示全部楼层
born from the simulation
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发表于 2011-6-15 00:47 | 显示全部楼层
Think Simulation
单是DEET还是不够。 DEET是驱虫剂,但不杀虫。而且对尼龙损害很大,JANE 好像曾经引用过相关的照片。

要双管齐下,同时杀虫,衣服还要用Permethrin (氯菊酯)处理才成。还要注意这东西的溶液好像对家猫毒性很大,家里有猫的要特别注意了。

http://www.lymeneteurope.org/inf ... as-a-tick-repellent
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发表于 2011-6-15 14:07 | 显示全部楼层
Think Simulation

"提倡穿长袖衣 ...
mh 发表于 2010-9-15 03:35

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-15 18:26 | 显示全部楼层
Think Simulation
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-15 19:48 | 显示全部楼层
Think Simulation
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发表于 2011-6-20 23:31 | 显示全部楼层
born from the simulation
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发表于 2011-8-6 06:27 | 显示全部楼层
born from the simulation

Antibodies linked to long-term Lyme symptoms

Researchers find molecules that might mark elusive syndrome.

Amy Maxmen
Ticks spread the bacterium behind Lyme disease - but symptoms can persist even when the bug seems to have gone.Medical-on-Line/Alamy

Some patients with Lyme disease still show symptoms long after their treatment has finished. Now proteins have been discovered that set these people apart from those who are easily cured.

People who experience the symptoms of Lyme disease, which include fatigue, soreness and memory or concentration loss, after treatment for the disorder are sometimes diagnosed as having chronic Lyme disease or post-Lyme disease syndrome. But these diagnoses are difficult to make, because the individuals no longer seem to harbour the bacteria that cause Lyme disease. And the symptoms could instead be indicative of chronic fatigue syndrome or depression.

Now Armin Alaedini at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York and his colleagues have found that patients diagnosed with post-Lyme disease syndrome have antibodies that suggest they carried the infection for an unusually long time. The finding, published in Clinical Immunology1, might help the syndrome to be better understood, diagnosed and treated.

Alaedini's team looked at antibodies made in response to a protein called VlsE, which is found on the surface of Borrelia burgdorferi, the tick-borne bacterium that causes Lyme disease.

The antibodies recognize a snippet of the protein called an epitope, and recruit the immune system to attack the bacterium. The researchers found that post-Lyme sufferers have a greater variety of antibodies to this epitope than patients whose infection cleared up quickly.

This finding suggests that patients with chronic symptoms have experienced a prolonged infection, caused by microbes that have evaded the immune system by varying the epitopes they carry. As a result of these variations, the body makes new antibodies targeting the modified protein. The longer the microbe manages to keep changing, the more diverse its host's antibodies become.

Some post-Lyme sufferers had varied antibodies against VlsE epitopes despite being diagnosed and treated early, says Alaedini. "That could mean they naturally have a different antibody response to the infection than most people; it could mean they weren't treated properly; or it's possible they were reinfected and the second infection was never treated," he says.
Inflammatory role

"This is the first study I've seen that shows some immunologic difference between someone who resolves their Lyme and someone who develops post-Lyme disease syndrome," says Linda Bockenstedt, a rheumatologist and immunologist at Yale School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut.

The presence of varied antibodies hints that the chronic symptoms could be caused by an ongoing inflammatory response caused by antibodies mistakenly reacting to the body's own proteins, Bockenstedt suggests.

"The big question to me is whether this can lead to an autoimmune phenomenon," says Bockenstedt. "But if that were the case, I'd expect the disease to worsen without immune-modulating treatment, and it doesn't."

Alaedini suggests that higher levels of antibodies could increase the body's levels of cytokines, immune-system proteins that can trigger the symptoms experienced by patients with post-Lyme disease syndrome. "Various cytokine profiles have been associated with fatigue, anxiety and depression," he explains.

If these antibodies are unique to people with chronic Lyme disease, it could lead to a test and treatments for the disorder, Alaedini says. It could also guide treatment of the disease itself. "If patients with an acute infection develop antibodies to these epitopes, perhaps they require a more aggressive course of therapy," he adds.

But a predictive marker won't be useful without new therapies for the persistent symptoms, says Henry Feder Jr, a physician specializing in infectious diseases at the University of Connecticut Health Center in Farmington. If an immune response problem leads to the syndrome, antibiotics won't help. "I guarantee you that if you tell a patient they won't feel better after antibiotics, they won't," Feder says. "We need to know what's going on."

        Chandra A. et al. Clin. Immunol. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.clim.2011.06.005 (2011).
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