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Dan Mazur登顶Ama Dablam

发表于 2003-10-27 23:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
born from the simulation
Dan Mazur登顶Ama Dablam
Dispatch 18: A very successful day today with 5 members summiting in fantastic weather. Dean Cardinale and Mike Boughton made an incredible bid from Camp 2 (6000m) at 5.00am. They reached the summit (6856m) at approximately 10.00am and were safely back in Camp 2 at 2.00pm! An awesomely strong display of alpine climbing.

Meanwhile, our three Finnish members, Hansi, Antti, and Ville reached the summit in a more traditional manner, leaving Camp 3 (6300m) at 8.00am, reaching the summit at approximately 1.00pm, and returning to spend the night at Camp 3. Congratulations to all!

Dan's team of, Larry, Ryan, Chris, Camille, Tony and Bryan departed Camp 1 for Camp 2 along with Maya Sherpa and Tenzing Sherpa (Patale).

Jay's much reduced team of, Ali and Kirsti left Basecamp for Camp 1 (5700m) along with Tenzing Sherpa (Makalu).

John and Jocelyn climbed to Camp 3 in hideously strong jetsteam winds with Shera Sherpa, to make their summit bid.

Once again, a very successful day! Thank you for reading and following our expedition from Jay Reilly and all of us at Summitclimb.com.

Note: No problems with communications on Dan's team. Dan's just focuses on business when things gets busy during Summits. The dispatches from the last several days are now rolling in and we will be posting them all day...

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