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发表于 2016-2-15 18:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Think Simulation
这是will gadd的一篇文章,标题是Ice Climbing is NOT rock climbing
其中涉及的一部视频是来自网络的攀冰冲坠事故,will gadd对事故者提出激烈的批评。其中最重要的一条就是先锋不坠

Will Gadd note after the below was posted: Please keep the comments somewhat civil and constructive. There is a lot of good information (harness, gi gi) getting added, let’s focus–as most people are–on what can be done differently rather than attacking either the climbers or the video effort. Just for reference, I’ve personally made a lot of the errors in the video, we all have, the idea is to learn and do better, thanks.

And the two screen capture pictures are of the BD Bod harness that’s not doubled back (you can tell because you can see the two silver pieces, shouldn’t be able to see ‘em both!) and the Kong Gi Gi, which is getting used totally inappropriately. That the harness and the belay both held is pretty amazing to me, I would not have put money on either system holding even a short fall. Thanks to the comments section for noticing both, I didn’t until it was pointed out, which kinda scares me…
Fall. from Jeffrey Butler on Vimeo.

One of the biggest problems I see in ice climbing starts with people approaching ice climbing like they do rock climbing. That mindset is totally inappropriate, and leads to really avoidable accidents. A friend of mine recently sent me a link to a video shot Dracula, a one-pitch classic WI 4+ in New Hampshire. The leader gets pumped, struggles to get a screw in, and falls. Skip to 3: 28 to see it go bad, but the whole thing starts to go bad way before that point. I’m going to pick a few key points out of this video that are really serious errors. These errors are unfortunately very common, and they shouldn’t be.
Fortunately this video is on Vimeo, where you can load the whole video up then click and hold on the timeline bar below the video to move around the video easily. This video is not, as the narrator suggests, a film about “change.” I see and hear very little about “change” in the film, what I see are common errors leading to a completely avoidable accident, and not much mental switch among the climbers in the follow-up footage.
The first and biggest error in the thinking of the climbers is expressed at the end of the film when the belayer says at 14:20, “Falling is very common, it should be expected.” No, it isn’t. In 30 years of ice climbing I’ve caught exactly one lead fall (Guy Lacelle of all people), and never fallen on lead. Most of the people I climb with are the same; a few fell off once or maybe twice early in their careers before figuring out it was a really bad idea… Very occasionally things just go bad, but I can count those type of accidents on one hand. I know three people with fused ankles or worse from taking very short falls on ice. Falling is not common and should not be “expected.” A major mental reset is called for.
2:00 Apparently the belay is a in place subject to falling ice. The belayer decides the solution to this problem is to have enough slack in the system to move to avoid the falling ice because, “If I get knocked out by a piece of ice what good am I as a belayer?” I’m not making that quote up. A better solution would be to have the belayer not in the line of fire at all. Full stop. I can only remember two belays ever (ironically, one with Mark Twight) where I could not protect the belayer from falling ice, and in retrospect I put the belay in a shit place both times (sorry Mr. Dornian). Do shorter pitches, whatever it takes, but having your belayer in any position where he could be hit by falling ice is flat-out stupid or ignorant. Even the video guy is standing under falling ice at 3:20; Dracula is a one-pitch route for god’s sake, move out of the way! If the first rule of ice climbing is don’t fall off then surely the second is, “Don’t stand where you can get hit with falling ice.” This is rock-climbing thinking, where it’s abnormal to have falling ice. It is a given that a lot of ice will or can be falling down an ice climb, plan for it.
Lots of shots of the climber swinging tools, etc. This is going to sound harsh, but there needs to be some reality interjected into this film: The climber had absolutely no business being on lead on ice. His sticks were shit (3:17 is a good example of a lousy stick, you can see his tool wobble as he pulls up), his footwork is terrible, and I’m amazed he didn’t fall off earlier. I don’t say that to be insulting, but because I suspect less-direct commentary would be ineffective given the rest of what is said and done in the film.
Quote, “Yeah, I have great faith in the equipment now, and it gives me even more reason to put pro in.” This is just wrong on so many levels, but first of all it misses the entire point that ice climbing isn’t about the pro, it’s about first not falling off. Have enough pro so when something really surprising happens you don’t die (and he did have enough pro in for that), but thinking that, “Hey, the pro works, great, I can fall off more now!” is just wrong. The thinking should be, “Damn, I fell off, and only through incredible luck did I not completely fuck myself up for the rest of my life, I need to re-think my approach to ice climbing.”
I want to know what the climbers around 8:50 to 9:20 or so are saying under the voice-over. From my read of it they are saying, “Dude, get better fucking sticks into the ice, like this. And here’s how to clip into the pommel or lower hole on your tool to so you don’t fall off and nearly die again.” These are basic skills the climber should have known, and obviously didn’t.
The climber should have stopped way, way before he fell. In rock climbing it’s often OK to climb deep into a pump, even to the point of falling. In fact, that’s often the point in rock climbing. It is NOT ok to climb super-pumped on ice, the consequences of a fall are simply too high. This guy could have been paralyzed for life, broken both ankles, or died. If you’re getting super pumped on ice do what the other climbers suggest at 9:00: CLIP INTO YOUR TOOL and put a screw in. Train doing this on a TR so you’re comfortable with it. I have seen a half-dozen screws over the years placed a little into the ice, and then a tool beside the screw, but no climber… Falling off while placing a screw is a common way to fall, but totally needless. So, stop before you get super pumped, put in a good screw, reset, maybe back off if you can’t climb the pitch without getting super pumped. Or, climb it in five-foot sections putting in a screw and hanging; I have FAR more respect for someone who doe that than gets pumped and falls off. If you’re super pumped stop, reset. No “free” pitch is worth getting injured for.
So what should we do to avoid this accident?
-Climb on toprope more. Many, many laps. Practice putting in screws, climbing with and without crampons, hooking, making placements, etc. I’d bet this climber had done less than 30 pitches total of ice in his life. At least 150 30M laps is the bare minimum to have any sort of understanding of ice.
-Practice clipping into a tool and putting screws in. This normally takes two quickdraws on the harness, or a sling to the belay loop. Lots of ways to do it, practice.
The big problems I see in ice climbing are seldom to do with fitness. Almost always they start with the climber’s approach to the sport.
And finally, and this is an intense situation so it’s small criticism but something to think about, if I fall off like that please don’t lower me head-first back toward the ground. The climber’s legs kip over his head at about 9:50. Again, it’s an intense situation, but I’d suspect a possible spinal injury with that much force and speed… But a small criticism in the whole picture, and the climber is very lucky to have an ER doc on hand–if the situation were worse that could have made the difference between living and dying.
OK, that about sums it up, lots of other issues, but those are the main ones to me. I’d be happy to offer a free day of instruction with these climbers and their video guy to improve their technique and approach to ice climbing; I don’t mean this to be harsh to the individual climbers at all, with any luck I will have caused some thinking among a much wider readership as these errors are way too common, these guys just made a video…
发表于 2016-2-15 20:19 | 显示全部楼层
born from the simulation
就此话题,微信群“攀登圈”2016 0215 PM7~8对话






孙斌:这跟不同运动脱落的风险级别和每个人对风险的接受程度直接相关。如果我现在就想去死,才不怕脱落呢,free solo也随便来(不是对那些free soloer有什么不尊敬,只是就我自己情况出发)


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发表于 2016-2-16 00:03 | 显示全部楼层
born from the simulation
本帖最后由 西门吹水 于 2016-2-16 00:09 编辑

分别 神仙洞Wi4(无受伤),一根筋Wi5(无受伤),撵鱼坝Wi3(脚踝扭伤,打第一个锥时候冲坠),白岩沟wi4(手腕伤)


1:冰锥保护点强度的不确定性,这是最难回答的问题,比较一致的共识是冰况决定强度,但是具体能承受多少KN?这个很难找到数据,因为冰差异实在太大, 就算同一块冰,上下午温度不一样,打进锥的强度都有区别。对于没有量化的数量,没有更多冲坠经验的攀冰者来说,只能凭感觉来判断锥稳不稳!这就造成了心理没底,不能冲坠!


我们先谈谈运动攀岩,一般正常的20米的运动攀岩线路大概有10个挂片,冲坠都是比较安全的,假设一条20米的运动攀岩线路只有5 个挂片,那冲坠受伤系数就翻几倍,假如20米3个挂片呢?20米1个挂片呢?你敢冲坠吗?
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-2-16 11:24 | 显示全部楼层
Think Simulation
Commitment 翻译成投入度,不太准确。
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-9 02:23 | 显示全部楼层
Think Simulation
Commitment 翻译成投入度,不太准确。
或者说自己对自己更诚实些。 ...
epoxy 发表于 2016-2-16 11:24

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发表于 2016-3-10 11:21 | 显示全部楼层
born from the simulation
2月21日,三名攀冰者在加拿大班夫国家公园的伦多山(Mount Rundle)攀冰时发生意外:一名54岁的男子在攀爬Professor Falls线路(WI4,280米)接近登顶时冲坠。据称,这名男子当时正在攀爬一段很简单的部分,所以并未打入任何保护锚点,结果不慎脱落了。他的冲坠距离约有30米,浑身多处骨折,在入院治疗后脱离了生命危险。

On February 21, three climbers were nearing the top of Professor Falls (WI 4 920 feet) on the north side of Mount Rundle, Alberta, Canada. A 54-year-old man from nearby Canmore, whose name has not been released, was on lead.

“He had climbed through an easy section without putting any protection in . . . and then he fell off,” Grant Statham, a visitor safety specialist with Parks Canada, told the Calgary Herald. “He hit a ledge and continued to slide, so it wasn’t a clean fall—he bounced off a lot of stuff and slid through rocks.”

The man careened nearly 100 feet down Professor Falls before his belayer caught the fall. The belayer lowered him to a small ledge and another climbing party assisted them as they waited for helicopter rescue.

The climber sustained severe injuries in the fall, including a broken ankle, pelvis and back, and laceration to his arm, the Calgary Herald reports. He was stabilized and pulled off the ice ledge by the Parks Canada visitor safety team and flown to an ambulance. He was admitted to the hospital in critical condition, but has since stabilized.

分析 Analysis

Professor Falls, an area classic for the grade, consists of multiple sections of steep ice broken by ledges and short snow slopes. The man who fell, a Canmore local, was probably climbing below his limit and on familiar terrain.

Nick Yardley, an ice climber from Vermont who had climbed the route with his daughter Emma only days before, told Rock and Ice that he believes that the Canmore man fell on the fourth pitch of the climb, based on a photo published in the Calgary Herald.

“He must have kept sliding over the next steep pitch,” Yardley says. “[There was] no snow on the ledges so it’s easy to see how a person could keep sliding.”

Yardley mentioned that the climb was fat and in great condition, however, it had also been unseasonably warm.

“The pitch he fell on was very wet,” Yardley says. “On the right, running surface water and fresh slushy surface ice [made it] hard to place gear or to get bomber secure placements.” The left side was drier but mushroomed, he explained, “so … perhaps not straight forward.”

When the man fell, he hadn’t placed protection for a long distance, likely because the ice wouldn’t provide solid screw placements, or because the man was comfortable on the terrain. He was runout, and without snow on the ledges, there was little to slow his fall.

预防 Prevention

Ice protection can be bomber, but it is only as strong as the ice that it’s placed in (if it’s placed at all). Oftentimes, when the ice is bad—brittle, hollow, aerated, slushy, etc.—ice climbers don’t bother to waste energy placing screws that will most likely not hold a fall. Instead, they find it safer to continue climbing to better ice and more reliable protection.

But running it out is also dangerous, especially on melting ice where it’s difficult to get secure pick placements.

"Think of yourself not as a stuntman but a craftsman," Andy Kirkpatrick, a veteran alpine climber, advised in a Rock and Ice What I Learned article (issue 232, February 2016). "Place lots of gear and make all routes safe. Don't do big ego-massaging runouts on easy ground, but also never assume there's no pro just because someone else can't find it."

On crummy ice, take the time to chop through the surface to better ice below for screw placements. The man's fall almost certainly would have been shortened had he cleared away the slushy surface ice to place solid pro.

Still, even good ice pro is not enough to make an ice climb safe if it's been consistently warm.

Large temperature fluctuations, and sunshine, not only wreak havoc on surface ice—making ice climbs more difficult to climb and to protect—but also can cause entire formations to become structurally unstable and at risk of collapse or detachment.

The two weeks prior to this accident saw temperatures into the mid-forties Fahrenheit.

If you’re planning on ice climbing, check the forecast as well as recent weather history. If it’s been too warm, put away the ice tools and crampons and pull out the rock shoes instead. Ice is only ice if it’s frozen.


http://www.rockandice.com/climbi ... banff-national-park
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发表于 2016-3-10 14:40 | 显示全部楼层
Think Simulation
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发表于 2016-3-10 20:37 | 显示全部楼层
born from the simulation
回复 5# 陶瓷虾




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发表于 2016-3-12 06:49 | 显示全部楼层
born from the simulation

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发表于 2016-3-18 10:16 | 显示全部楼层
Think Simulation
本帖最后由 树叉儿 于 2016-3-18 02:17 编辑


Will Gadd 在看到这个视频后发表了如下的帖子



Will Gadd关于这个视频的具体评论



第一个我想指出的,同时也是首要的错误,那就是在影片的结尾处,14分20秒的地方,保护员说“冲坠是很常见的,也应该是可预见的。” 不,完全错了。在过去三十年的攀冰生涯中,我只制动过一次攀冰中发生的先锋冲坠,而自己从来没有发生过任何先锋冲坠。与我一起攀冰的大多数伙伴们也都是如此;只有少数几个人在刚开始攀冰的时候发生过1~2次攀冰冲坠,然后就发现在攀冰时发生冲坠真的是太糟糕了。虽然极少数时候,也有一些意外的事情发生,但这种事情屈指可数。我知道的有三个人在攀冰的时候冲坠了很短的距离,就导致脚踝骨折打了钢钉或更糟。所以,冲坠是不常见的,而且是不应该被“预见”的。这一点一定要重新认识。


截至现在,我只记得有两次攀冰我不能确保保护员的安全(讽刺的是,其中一次就是和Mark Twight一起攀冰),而且两次都把保护点放置在了很不靠谱的地方(真对不起你,Dornian)。所以,虽然你不顾一切地缩短了攀爬的绳距,但是如果你将保护员至于会被冰砸到的危险境地,那也是愚蠢至极的。

视频的3分20秒,就连拍视频的家伙也是站在落冰的下方。幸好Dracula只是一条单段的攀冰线路。一定不要站在了线路的正下方!如果说攀冰的第一法则就是不要冲坠,那么攀冰的第二法则就一定是“不要站在会被落冰砸到地方。” 如果觉得落冰是不常发生的,这就是攀岩思维。要事先假设在攀冰的过程中会有很多落冰,然后对此作出计划和应对。


视频中说“是的,我现在对装备更有信心了,这也给了我放置更多保护的理由。” 这句话在很多层面来说也都是错误的,首先它没有抓住攀冰的要领,不冲坠才是攀冰的关键,而不是放置保护。因为放置足够的保护,当意外发生的时候没有挂掉(视频中,他确实放了足够的保护),然后你就会想“看啊,保护真管用,太好了,我现在可以更多地发生冲坠了!”这种想法完全就是错误的。正确的想法应该是,“该死,我冲坠了,要不是这么幸运,我可能就挂了,我需要重新思考我攀冰的方法。”











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发表于 2016-3-20 22:03 | 显示全部楼层
born from the simulation
传统叫做:it's better not to fall
攀冰是:do not fall
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