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John Long 的 Legend of Lord Gym

发表于 2013-2-22 04:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
born from the simulation
這是一篇很舊的文章了,原本刊載 2004 年 Rock & Ice 的 "The Ethics Issue" 不過我最近才看到,看了之後相當有感覺。尤其是下面引的這一段落。作者 John Long 活躍的主要年代,ground up onsight 是他們認為最純粹的 style,當 sport climbing 風起雲湧之後,攀岩世界的走向和未來又會如何?這篇文章並不是只在讚揚過去的冒險精神,或者只是批評 sport climbers。而是身為跨世代的一位攀岩者的一點反思。推薦。


「So fascinated were we by the primitive intensity of risk and fear that we’d hurl ourselves onto sketchy runouts and miserable walls. The unconscious promise was that a trial by a big enough fire would burn off our personal underbrush and unveil some special real estate. The process never had a fixed, or even known, destination. The goal was simply the feral rush of embracing forces greater than yourself and getting continually morphed into some different form. A born hero might discover little in the exercise, but those of us with prickly deficiencies and self-doubts could occasionally touch into our souls, and we’d risk most anything to get there.」

题外话,最近在 Joshua Tree 混,一般而言 Joshua Tree 是被是为纯传攀的场所,除了很新的 bolted climbs ,很多 bolted face climbs 都是 ground up 打的,所以像我这种胆小的人,就对 Joshua Tree 的 face climbs 相当敬畏,主要还是爬裂缝。
发表于 2013-2-22 14:30 | 显示全部楼层
Think Simulation
本帖最后由 jane 于 2013-2-22 07:03 编辑

J Tree的确是个让人思考的地方,晚上不冷,可以坐在月光下发呆。我有幸跟着little po在JT爬了那里的经典路线。70/80年代开的线真的很不错,crack 的定级很硬,石头很磨裤子,很磨手。

BTW, Here it is a short note about Catherine Freer, http://inclined.americanalpinecl ... erine-freers-notes/
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发表于 2013-2-22 15:38 | 显示全部楼层
Think Simulation
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发表于 2013-2-24 21:17 | 显示全部楼层
born from the simulation
经历过几次一旦失误,后果不堪设想的攀登, 印象很深刻, 到现在细节都能回忆起来. 现在是不打算再挑战心理极限了, 怕一去回不来. 尘世间太多留恋. 更多的想探寻自己体能的极限. 不论何时, 攀登都提供了这样的途径, 所以始终不弃.
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