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关于 rope solo, 裂缝呢?

发表于 2005-2-26 08:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Think Simulation
裂缝说了他用grigri做顶绳rope solo, 我也曾用过grigri, 但发现Reverso更保先e 险
不过用Reverso 的问题是得时不时停下来抽紧绳子。

我哥们 Richard是用两个卡式上升器,无齿的,不毁绳, 自动抽绳。  他从Ebay上俄国人的店邮购的。  说是质量不错。  他建议买Super basic K Ti, 我订了两只,  等拿到了,用过了之后再向大家汇报心得体会。
若是先锋solo, 和高人们探讨之后,看来   soloist 是群众的首选。       见到一人用soloist攀冰,真牛啊!

发表于 2005-2-26 09:06 | 显示全部楼层
born from the simulation
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发表于 2005-2-26 12:19 | 显示全部楼层
Think Simulation

曾考虑过没有同伴时怎么办,研究了一下。基本思路是在路线底作一个结实的anchor,腰间作一个受力后会自锁的装置,可以是双套结、silent partner,soloist,grigri等。到顶后作anchor,下降,拆底anchor,上升器上升,继续攀登。

silent partner mh有一个,200多美刀!自身重量比较大。其原理和双套结是一样的,好处是自动给绳。
solosit没见过,据说安全性比silent pertner差,主要是万一你脱落时大头朝下,soloist就不起作用了。

不论哪种系统,都比一个合格保护者麻烦。要作的事太多,不可能爬很难的线路,因此aid climbing中solo的多些,很难找到一个保护者有2-3小时/pitch的耐性。你会发现爬的很不爽。

在sports climbing中,顶绳work时solo的也有,原因也是找不到一个belay slave让你不停的尝试,吊在半空休息。


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发表于 2005-2-26 12:42 | 显示全部楼层
born from the simulation
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-2-26 13:03 | 显示全部楼层
Think Simulation
我顶绳solo已有两年多了, 除了Reverso, 也试过triaxion和手柄上升器, grigri(未改装的)。



去年我solo了一座小小的雪山 (Mt. Athabasca)。圣诞后solo了一条六十米长的二级水冰瀑布。。 。无绳的速度,自由和恐惧。

一篇比较详细的rope solo 总结文章链接:。
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发表于 2005-2-27 11:41 | 显示全部楼层
Think Simulation

1: 把下降器和上升器底下的松绳按速降方式整好
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-2-28 01:04 | 显示全部楼层
born from the simulation
说是Ushba 的Super basic K和文中所提的basic 有一定的不同。    到底有多少不一样,  不知道。
问题是Yates/ISC/Troll  Rocker  得用粗绳 ,制造商说至少 11毫米, 虽说有人用10.5mm的。。

Petzl  MIcrosender   和 Rocker 都能熔绳皮。。。。      
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-2 09:35 | 显示全部楼层
Think Simulation
MH请看,TR solo的条件没有上边的thebikezone的文章中所用的那么苛刻。我问了USHBA的Serguei,这里贴上他激情万分的回答以及我和Richard的讨论:

1. From Serguei the Ushba seller:
"........."So, look at this "A guide to self belay and fall arrest techniques..."
careful again. One thing only shows that this review is just a dirty
advertising article but not a honest independent review.

First question: How the device witch is just a poor copy of USHBA Basic
became the best in the test and a similar USHBA's is the worst? Look at the
Troll Rocker and USHBA. You see the USHBA has a "U"-groove on the cams at
both ends so that the rope isn't cut, but the Troll has flat simple cams. If
the devices have a similar designs what of them will cut the rope first
under superior load?

After that I'm sure they didn't make any taste at all !!! Why? See it:

"In tests for Lyon Equipment this device severed the rope each time its
ability to catch a fall was tested..."

Just because the USHBA's Basic will be broken first before rope damage!!!
And it is impossible to cut many ropes by one device. Ural-Alp's crash test
show that the pin with fix a small came will be broken first by the load min
530kg (it is far exceeds UIAA and CE requirements). After that, even with
such damage the USHBA's will catch the rope well and only now if increase
the load it will be the question how the rope is strong.........."

2. Richard的评论

I didn't mention the "U" grooves but the USHBA devices do have those.  I
have no idea who copied who but the main factor affecting pinching of the
rope may be the orientation of the device.  They all rotate some amount when
weighted.  I really love the roller in the USHBA that allows you to jug up
the rope.  The Rocker does not have this.  It's good to see the Russians
defending their product as it shows me their pride in quality.  Just follow
the rules I mentioned in my last E-mail and you will be fine.  Another
unrelated but big worry is rope abrasion over an edge.  I almost cut through
one rope jugging up with a heavy pack....I had backup.  The caver's Bible,
now a little old, "On Rope" covers this.  Dynamic ropes actually wear worse
due to their stretch and given the same edge, wear will be different
depending on how much rope is hanging before the load.  I can get you more
info on this if you're interested.  I think you made the right choice. RG
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