原文见http://bbs.rockbeer.org/viewthre ... &extra=page%3D1。
Avalanches, rock fall, incorrect installation, freeze/thaw cycles, manufacturing defects, and climbers attempting to remove the bolt with tools can all be the cause of messed up bolts. Bolts are technically speaking "abandoned property" and not regulated by any government agency or any organization.
"abandoned property"这个应该是一个法律名词,我想这是关键,虽然我不是学法律的,但从字面意思也可以推断,为什么要放弃权利,因为要避免承担责任。如果你对你打的bolt声称拥有所有权,那你就应该承担维护的责任,如果你打的bolt上摔死了人,你就得承担法律责任。而相信没有任何一个打bolt的敢保证bolt不出问题.bolt这东西在美国作为abandoned property应该是一个很老的约定,上个世纪7,80年代就有拆挂片引起的斗殴事件,打人的进了局子,也从没听说诉讼拆挂片的人偷东西的,我想abandoned property是关键。
新的白河路书在编辑过程中,是否要特别声明abandoned property请大家讨论,我建议在风险提示一章中特别列出。
Bolts are not regulated or certified and may break
Bolts used for outdoor rock climbing in the U.S. have historically not been regulated or certified in any way. Historical practice is to use bolts which are nowhere near any "reasonable" level of safety compared to the standards of modern society, and even the bolts used now to establish new routes and replace old bolts are not certified or regulated in any way. Limitations due to ease and speed and type mean that even many bolts used by the ASCA are nowhere near what would be considered acceptable safety margins in other walks of life such as the modern construction industry. The ASCA is a bit of a misnomer, because climbing is (obviously) not a "safe" thing to do. Old deteriorating bolts are potential death traps even for experienced climbers, and the ASCA seeks to replace them with well camouflaged stainless steel bolts which will not rust, and are easily removable/replaceable in the future. No bolt is ever guaranteed, and trusting a bolt with your life is always a gamble.
Avalanches, rock fall, incorrect installation, freeze/thaw cycles, manufacturing defects, and climbers attempting to remove the bolt with tools can all be the cause of messed up bolts. Bolts are technically speaking "abandoned property" and not regulated by any government agency or any organization.
Bolts replaced by the ASCA may break
The ASCA is an entirely volunteer effort to do maintenance and the bolts placed by the ASCA are in no way guaranteed and may fail.
If you are seeking security, DO NOT CLIMB. To quote Helen Keller, "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." Climbing of any type inherently involves the risk of death. Those hiding their unwillingness to take responsibility for their own actions behind the current legal system of the U.S. should never attempt to climb anything.
如果您追求安全保证,请不要攀登。引用Helen Keller的话,“生命要么是一场勇敢的冒险,要么狗屁不是。”任何形式的攀登都不可避免的存在死亡的风险。在现有美国的法律体系下那些不想对自己的行为负责的人永远不应该尝试去攀登。 |