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发表于 2013-2-13 13:36
本帖最后由 jane 于 2013-2-13 05:45 编辑
Bill Belcourt在上面那篇精文中说了,冰锥能抗8000磅力都不止(他们拉不坏,到了8000磅就停了)。如果冰烂的话,冰锥受大力后可能会弯,下面这个案例验证了Bill所讲的:
http://www.weibo.com/u/233168203 ... =5&loc=myfollow
Bill said: "If the ice is crappy, the long screw is the only choice that you have because you try to get down into something good and at least the screw, as its bending and pulverizing the crappy ice – its only able to do so because its anchored to something better that’s deeper. You will bend the screw, but even the act of bending it is absorbing force. So, you need the long screw. What’s also good to know is if the threads go all the way to the top, it makes the screw heavier, but it also makes it stiffer. So a 13cm screw with threads all the way to the top is pretty stiff. That’s why 13 cm is such a good size. You can even leave it out a little bit, if you have to, and it resists bending a lot. They don’t want to bend and start pulverizing the ice." |