陶瓷虾 发表于 2011-12-12 01:43



riff 发表于 2011-12-12 18:54


mh 发表于 2011-12-12 19:44


第一幅图 (第一个数是行,第二个是列)
1,3 Lynn Hill
3,5 John Harlin II
4, 5 Catherine Destiville
4, 10 Tenzing Norgay
1,10 Herman Buhl
2,4 Ed Hillary
2,6 Wolfgan Gulich
4, 8 Fritz Weisner
5,6 Mick Fowler (?)
5,7 Ueli Steck
5, 9 George Mallory

zenith 发表于 2011-12-12 19:52

甘叔要说贵国停止吃猪肉争取入选了么 :lol

冬冬 发表于 2011-12-14 08:23

有Fred Beckey和Charlie Fowler没?
不特意查查Charlie Fowler生平的话,还真是很难想象他是如此NB的一个人

mh 发表于 2011-12-14 12:18

哈,Beckey老头就在第一页的右下角(或第二页的左下角),经典照,站在路边举着"WILL BELAY FOR FOOD"的牌子。

5,11 Fred Becky
2,3 Warren Harding (这张,还有他右边那张,酷得能赶上Clint Eastwood, 也有丁丁历险记里里的阿道克船长的范儿)

4,3 Leo Houlding

没找到Charlie Fowler

riff 发表于 2011-12-15 00:19

George Mallory传记片最佳人选

jane 发表于 2011-12-15 04:54

第一张,4,2看上去是Warren Harding。第一张2,3,是Don Whillans,英国人,很矮,攀登风格豪放,和Chris Bonington, Joe Brown是同时代人,52岁猝死于心脏病突发(烟酒过度,中年后发胖)。

mh 发表于 2011-12-15 11:15

对,我上面贴中把Huber兄弟的标号写给Warren Harding了。Warren Harding是第一张的4,2

陶瓷虾 发表于 2011-12-16 07:26

1,1 chris bonington
1,2 chouinard
1,3 whymper
1,5 kurt diemberger,和hermann buhl是仅有的首登国两座8000米的
1,7 stephan siegrist
2,1 梅斯纳尔
3,3 ines papert
5,3 steve house
5,4 stefan glowacz
5,9 simone moro

2,2(huber兄弟左边的) heckmair
2,6 dean potter
4,6,wanda 什么什么奇
5,5 普莱泽利


陶瓷虾 发表于 2011-12-26 22:06


chris bonington
Yvon Chouinard
Lynn Hill
Edward Whymper
Kurt Diemberger
Charles Granville Bruce
Stephan Siegrist
Robin Smith
Jimmy Marschall
Sir Martin Conway

Reinhold Messner
Klaude Kogan
Don Whillans
Greg Child
Krzysztof Wielicki
Sir Leslie Stephen
Steph Davis
Baron John Hunt
Galen Rowell
Joe Brown

Apa Sherpa
Annie Smith Peck
Ines Papert
Glen Denny
Peter Habeler
Geoffrey Winthrop Young
Dougal Haston
Lino Lacedelli
Eric Jones
John Tyndall

Rab Carrington
Warren Harding
Hamish Macinnes
Catherine Destiville
Royal Robbins
Bert Bissel
John Normann Collie
Adam Watson
George Ingle Finch
Tenzing Norgay

Kit Deslauriers
Alex Lowe
Steve House
Stefan Glowacz
Zoe Hart
Conrad Kain
Paul Pritchard
Bruno Engler
Denis Urubko
Bill Tilman

Peter Boardman
Howard Somervell
George Band
Eric Earle Shipton
George Lowe
John Ruskin
Thomas Hornbein
Wilfrid Noyce
Andy Nisbet
Hermann Buhl

Gordon Wiltsie
Anderl Heckmair
Huber 兄弟
Sir Edmund Hillary
Kenton Cool
Dean Potter
Jeremy Jones
Dorothy Pilley Richards
Alison Hargreaves
Dave Birkett

Stephen Venables
Fred Mummery
Riccardo Cassin
Elizabeth Hawley
Maurice Herzog
Pat Morrow
Mathias Rebitsch
Jim Whittaker
Charles Howard-Bury
Julian Cooper

Andy Parkin
Simone Moro
Leo Houlding
Hans Gmoser
Elizabeth Hawkins-Whitshed
Wanda Rutkiewicz
Dave Macleod
Norman Clyde
Candide Thovex
Jean-Claude Killy

Fred Beckey
Reinhard Karl
Tormod Granheim
Joe Simpson
Marko Prezelj
Ron Fawcett
Ueli Steck
Erik Weihenmayer
Gorge Mallory
Doug Scott

潇湘风雨 发表于 2011-12-26 23:23


mh 发表于 2011-12-28 01:08


豌豆 发表于 2011-12-28 14:48


陶瓷虾 发表于 2011-12-28 23:12

这么多位,他们的攀登成就都搞不太清楚。真希望做户外传媒的朋友们,多做些桥梁性的工作,多介绍些资料。我 ...
豌豆 发表于 2011-12-28 14:48 http://bbs.rockbeer.org/images/common/back.gif

这100个人俺觉得还是有点商榷,库库奇卡,俄罗斯的一些,博纳蒂都没被选进去,joe simpson在里面和其他人比就有点打酱油了。

mh 发表于 2011-12-29 15:10

Joe Simpson 在这里大概是因为他出书的影响力。Maurice Herzog要说攀登也只是一般(虽然首登Annapurna)但写的书确实是影响深远。不过Gaston Rébuffat的书不只激励了一代攀登者,但里面也没收。

豌豆 发表于 2011-12-29 17:55



陶瓷虾 发表于 2011-12-29 23:10


陶瓷虾 发表于 2011-12-29 23:12

要是有人能把1/3的人的事翔实翻译到中文,不光是光辉业绩,还有真实生平,我估计中国会因此出不少登山狂热 ...
mh 发表于 2011-12-29 15:10 http://bbs.rockbeer.org/images/common/back.gif


豌豆 发表于 2011-12-30 13:39

Biography Miss Elizabeth Hawley

Elizabeth Hawley was born in Chicago, Illinois, on 9 November, 1923, and educated in public schools and at the University of Michigan, from which she received a B.A. with honours in history and a M.A. in history, and where she was employed as an assistant in the department of history. She has never married.

Her journalistic career started in 1946 when she began working for Fortune magazine in New York as an editorial researcher, a job that combined reporting and research work and took her on many travels around the U.S. as well as to Canada and Brazil.

She resigned from Fortune in 1957 in order to be able to travel more widely and leisurely and to decide on a different sort of career. During the next two years, she travelled extensively by train and bus throughout Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union (1957), the Middle East (Turkey, Israel, a number of Arab countries and Iran in 1958), and South Asia including Nepal, and then by boat via Southeast Asia and Japan back to the U.S. (1959). She took some temporary jobs in New York while arranging to live overseas, and in September 1960 she left the U.S. again, took up residence in Kathmandu, Nepal, where she has lived ever since.

She was accredited as Time-Life's part-time correspondent in Nepal from the very start, and she became "stringer" for Reuters News Agency in 1962. While working for Reuters, she soon realized that an important part of her reporting assignment was mountaineering activities, and she started meeting every expedition that came to climb in Nepal – and when Tibet was opened to climbers, she met as well all those who came to climb on the northern side of Nepal's border peaks. She herself has never climbed a mountain in her life, but she has developed a keen interest in the climbing scene and got to know the many skilled and famous mountaineers who have come to the Nepalese Himalaya. Thirty-five years later, she is still meeting and interviewing all the teams. She now specializes only in mountaineering news for Reuters and regularly sends reports to alpine journals and mountaineering magazines in nine countries. In 1994 the American Alpine Club, of which she is a member, presented her with its literary award for this work.

Besides this reporting, she has other responsibilities in Nepal: she is executive officer of Sir Edmund Hillary's small aid organization, the Himalayan Trust, which supports health, educational, cultural and re-forestation activities in the Mount Everest region. Although an American citizen, she is honorary consul for New Zealand, and she is a consultant to the Tiger Mountain group of adventure travel companies in Nepal.
最开始知道她,是因为吴银善的事。“86岁的登山历史学家伊丽莎白•霍利负责编纂全球8000米以上高峰登顶认定权威数据库“喜马拉雅数据库”。她告诉记者,吴银善登顶干城章嘉峰眼下被定为“有争议”。 ”

mh 发表于 2011-12-30 14:44

我觉得简单的生平介绍没太多的打动力,人被打动不但有大背景还要有众多细节,可能是一厚本做了铺垫但都给人没什么印象,只有一段话读书的人再也忘不了。每个读者看也不都一样。要有长久效果还是要书才行,不光是短篇文章。这些书很多。比如《进入空气稀薄地带》国内打动很多人,因为故事讲得细讲得好,虽然这本书在世界登山书籍使上也就算二流(看几本Boardman Tasker奖的获奖作品比一比。Boardman就在上面照片里)。
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