solo 发表于 2010-2-26 03:56

Indoor climbing gym in Beijing

A real indoor gym:
15-20 meter walls, vertical, overhang, cracks, for roped climbing (lead climbing /top roping), >50 routes and new routes set every 3 weeks.
Would people be interested in a gym like this?

Location: where to find enough vertical space for rent, a location close to highways/subways where climbers can easily get to?
Membership: are there enough climbers interested, especially to train after a busy day of work on week days 2 times/week?

平错 发表于 2010-2-26 11:32


平错 发表于 2010-2-26 11:33


wen 发表于 2010-2-26 12:50

As an comercial project you have to consider the income/expense balance, I heard about some indoor gyms had stoped running. If you realy want to set up such a gym, I suggest you run a outdoor shop in it, to find a good place where is spacious and cheap enough and easy to reach by most climbers is critical.

solo 发表于 2010-2-26 14:20


地点很重要。现在大家住的都比较分散,不知道下班后是不是还有精力,有愿望在室内攀岩,尤其路上要花时间。 虽然可能有更多的初学者,或是团体活动,个人认为如上所述的规模大的岩馆可以办得起来/值得去做的前提是: 足够数量的铁杆攀岩者,平时晚上下班后都回去,比如一周两次,风雨无阻,会购买月,或年票。

wei 发表于 2010-2-26 14:22

Your picture is PlanetGranite Sunnyvale Gym, The place I normally go to. membership cost about 700 dollars per year.
A real indoor gym:
15-20 meter walls, vertical, overhang, cracks, for roped climbing (lead climbing...
solo 发表于 2010-2-25 19:56

solo 发表于 2010-2-26 14:24

Thanks Wei, you are so smart. My first partner's name is even Wei...

平错 发表于 2010-2-26 14:28


airfox 发表于 2010-2-26 16:27

足够数量的铁杆是多少呢? 如果离家不太远,我只要没事天天都愿意去.
北边的岩棍们不少,考虑一下奥体周边吧. 况且棍子们的下一代已经开始纷纷问世了, 他们显然是未来的铁杆:)

solo 发表于 2010-2-27 00:41

其他的我们想法都很多,比如装备店,书籍,trad/anchor class, slide shows, outings, 等等,但这些都没什么说服投资人的分量。

wei 发表于 2010-2-27 01:34

Thanks Wei, you are so smart. My first partner's name is even Wei...
solo 发表于 2010-2-26 06:24

how do you know I am smart or not? Do I know you? :)

AFAIK, pretty much all profitable climbing gym managed to do so by doing following three things well:
1. getting a good deal on lease (for the space).
2. making a lot from non-climbers. from events such as birthday party and company offsite.
3. hire gym rats for really cheap as staff to cost operating cost.

I have yet to find a gym that stay profitable just by serving the real climber crowds.

solo 发表于 2010-2-27 11:26

No gym can survive based only on climbers who climb outside.
Problem with corporate events or birthday party is that your revenue is not predictable, meaning you never know how much you can make next month or six months from now.

平错 发表于 2010-2-27 16:44


mh 发表于 2010-2-27 19:45

奥体附近租金不便宜,除非能有什么办法打大折扣,比如使用那些没用的奥运场馆。不是说运动攀要进奥运会了吗---赶快忽悠,金牌从娃娃抓起 --- 也该轮到奥运会为攀岩做点贡献。另一个办法是选在偏远但是在城铁旁边的。

平错 发表于 2010-2-28 18:09


籮筐 发表于 2010-3-23 09:21


小鼻涕 发表于 2010-4-2 11:01

照片很漂亮 不过北京貌似搞不了这样的 对于场地来说太浪费了
北京的岩馆设计时还是要下工夫的 现在角度小的岩壁已经满足不了大部分岩棍了 而直壁太少又不利于新手的培训
北京的发展空间还是很大的 奥莱现在运转的很体面了 周末能有100多人次 周中每天也能3、40 外加由于位置的原因还有一批岩友不能经常过去
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